Daily Subsurface Temperatures in the seas around Japan This directory contains daily subsurface temperatures in the seas around Japan (from 120E to 180E between 23N and 45N). The temperatures are determined for 0.25x0.25 degree squares at the depths of 100 m, 200 m and 400 m from Novenber 6th, 2005 to the latest. Subsurface temperatures are calculated using the Ocean Comprehensive Analysis System (Sugimoto, 2002), which is based on the ocean data assimilation system: COMPASS-K (Kamachi et al., 2004). Data format: One file contains data for one day. The file consists of 286 lines. The analysis date is recorded on the first line: the information of year is on the first 4 column, that of month is indicated by a number from 1 to 12 on the second 4 column, and that of day on the last 4 column. The GPVs at 100-m depth are recorded on a 89-line block from 2nd line, those at 200-m depth on the next block from 91st line, and those at 400-m depth on the last block from 180th line. The depth information is recorded on the first 3 column on the first line of the 89-line block. The GPVs on the grids along 44.875N are recorded on the 2nd line, those along 44.625N are on the 3rd line, and those along 23.125N are on the 89th line. Each line contains the 240 GPVs from 120.125E to 179.875E at the interval of 0.25 degree in longitude. Each GPV domains 3 column in the unit of 0.1 degree centigrade. The GPV is 999, if the temperature is not determined or the grid point is below the sea bottom. Reference: Kamachi, M., T. Kuragano, H. Ichikawa, H. Nakamura, A. Nishina, A. Isobe, D. Ambe, M. Arai, N. Gohda, S. Sugimoto, K. Yoshita, T. Sakurai, and F. Uboldi (2004): Operational data assimilation system for the Kuroshio south of Japan: Reanalysis and validation. J. Oceanogr., 60, 303-312. Sugimoto, S. (2002): Ocean Comprehensive Analysis System. P.154-157. in 'Outline of the operational numerical weather prediction at the Japan Meteorological Agency'. Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo.