Global Sea Surface Temperatures ----- Monthly normals and Standard Deviations (cobesstnorm) This data is monthly mean analyzed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) for each one degree latitudinal and longitudinal squares over the global ocean between 90S and 90N. This SST dataset, named 'COBE-SST (Centennial in-situ Observation Based Estimates of variability of SST and marine meteorological variables - SST)', has been newly produced with the method proposed by Ishii et al. (2005). SSTs in sea ice area are obtained by transformation from sea ice concentration. The Climate Prediction Division of the JMA operationally updates the SSTs for latest month. Historical time series of the new SST since 1891 is available. The historical database of in situ observations used in the SST analysis includes about 160 million reports from the International Comprehensive Ocean and Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) release 2, the Kobe Collection, and a buoy dataset compiled by the Canadian Integrated Scientific Data Management (ISDM). The reports via global telecommunication system (GTS) after 1997 are used in the analysis. Two datasets with different normals are available. "cobesstnorm 2010"; the normals from 1981 to 2010 "cobesstnorm 2000"; the normals from 1971 to 2000 Data format The each monthly dataset consists of 181 records, one header record and following 180 data records from north to south. The header record contains the year and month in 2I4. Each data record is written as 360I3 from west to east, with unit in 0.1C. That is, the first value of the first data record is for the grid centered at 89.5 degree North and 0.5 degree East, and the last value of the last data record is for that at 89.5 degree South and 0.5 degree West, respectively. '999' is placed on the grid on land. The each monthly normals consists of 2 blocks, each block have the same format with the each monthly data set. Year '9999' in the header record of block shows the block of normal and '8888' shows the block of standard deviation. For further information, please contact the Regional Real Time Data Base at References Ishii, M., A Shouji, S Sugimoto and T Matsumoto, 2005: Objective Analyses of Sea-Surface Temperature and Marine Meteorological Variables for the 20th Century using ICOADS and the KOBE Collection. Int. J. Climatol., 25, 865-879.