Merged satellite and in-situ data Global Daily Sea Surface Temperature (MGDSST) The MGDSSTs are analyzed at the Office of Marine Prediction of the JMA with 1/4-degree grid resolution on the near-real-time basis. SSTs derived from satellite's infrared sensors (AVHRR/NOAA) and microwave sensor (AMSR-E/AQUA), and in-situ SST (buoy and ship) are used in the analysis. The NOAA/AVHRR High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) data adjacent to Japan are received and processed at the Meteorological Satellite Center of the JMA. NOAA/AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC) data are provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA. AMSR-E data are provided by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). In-situ SSTs are collected at JMA via GTS, Internet and facsimile, and those are used for bias correction of satellites' SSTs. Data format The each daily data consists of 721 records, one header record and following 720 data records from north to south. The header record contains the year, month, and day. Each data record is written as 1440I3 from west to east, with unit in 0.1C. That is, the first value of the first data record is for the grid centered at 89.875 degree North and 0.125 degree East, and the last value of the last data record is for that at 89.875 degree South and 0.125 degree West, respectively. '888' denotes the region of sea ice, and '999' the region of land and the value cannot be determined. For further information, please contact the Regional Real Time Data Base at