--- Sea Ice Concentration --- Daily analyses of sea ice concentration in the north-east Asian marginal seas during the sea ice season from December through May next year, are provided by Japan Meteorological Agency. Each daily analysis is recorded in one file named after the manner of the following examples, "seaice.Dec01", "seaice.Jan22", "seaice.Mar15", etc. Our analyses cover the area that is enclosed with two longitudinal lines 115.0E, 165.0E, and two latitudinal lines 65.0N, 35.0N, with analysis points located at an interval of 0.05 degree in both directions, which aggregates to 1001x601 grid points. Conditions at the grid points are represented by an integer value, notations of which are 0 sea ice concentration 0 / 10 (open water) 2 sea ice concentration 1 to 3 / 10 3 sea ice concentration 4 to 6 / 10 4 sea ice concentration 7 to 8 / 10 5 sea ice concentration 9 to 10 / 10 7 no analysis or cloudy area 9 land and stored in the ASCII format. Every file begins with the 28 bytes-long header line which informs the date of analysis, followed by data body which comprises of 1001 columns and 601 lines. --- Sea Ice Condition Chart --- Japan Meteorological Agency issues "sea ice information" on every Tuesday and Friday from December through May, which includes the statement of sea ice analysis and forecast in a week and the chart of sea ice condition with its concentration in the Sea of Okhotsk, the northern Sea of Japan and the Bohai Sea. "Sea ice condition chart" image is a part of "sea ice information" and colored in the sea ice extent by every concentration. This image is updated when sea ice information is issued.